Khushi Ivf Centre

Khushi Ivf Centre
Doctors Available
1 Doctor Available
Sola, Ahmedabad
IVF Center
About Khushi Ivf Centre
Khushi IVF was founded by Dr. Dipesh J Sorathiya in year 2019. The goal of the new practice was simple—to provide cutting edge, ethical, economical and standardize fertility care in an environment that supported patients' physical, emotional, and financial needs. This clinic has extended hours of OPD clinic with aim to reach working couples who do not able to attend clinic during routine working hours. While India has seen a significant rise in the number of patients opting for infertility treatments, the numbers are still low compared to the couples actually taking help due to the lack of awareness. People need to be made aware that infertility is a disease that can be addressed medically. Khushi IVF provides all types of infertility treatment from basic evolution to advance procedure. In addition to providing treatment, we have counseling services for infertile couples. At Khushi IVF, we follow international standards’ for processes and protocols, Dr. Dipesh J Sorathiya is a senior Infertility & IVF Specialist with 14 years of experience. Currently, he is working as director and head of the department of IVF at KD Hospital and Director of Khushi IVF, Ahmedabad and Anjar. He is also working as a visiting IVF consultant at various hospitals.
Clinic Address
621, Maple Trade Center, Near Surdhara Circle, Towards, Thaltej, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380054Doctors in Khushi Ivf Centre
Dr. Dipesh Sorthiya
Dr. Dipesh.J. Sorathiya is working as Infertility Specialist and Endoscopic surgeon at Milann Fertility Centre (A unit of HCG Hospital) Ahmedabad and has an experience of 9 years in these fields
,Laparoscopic Surgeon
,Infertility Specialist
, -
11 Years Experience
Sola, Ahmedabad
Khushi Ivf Centre Services
- Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA)
- Egg Donation
- Semen Freezing
- Male Infertility Treatment
- Female Infertility Treatment
- Egg Freezing
- ICSI treatment
- IVF Treatment
- PGD (Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis)
- Infertility Treatment
- Endoscopy
- Infertility Evaluation / Treatment
- Intrauterine insemination - IUI